2018: The Year ahead in Aged Care

Welcome to our first Newsletter Edition of 2018. It is not too late to wish those that I have not seen a Happy New Year and the Best Wishes for 2018.

As expected, 2018 is starting to look like it will be a very busy one. Aged Care has been in the news and I thought this would be an appropriate time to clarify some of items you may have heard of:

Notifiable Data Breach Scheme (NDBS):

The NDBS under part 3 of the Privacy Act, 1988 established requirements for entities in responding to data breaches. This is defined as unauthorised access to, unauthorised disclosure of, or a loss of personal information, that we hold. An Eligible Data breach as unauthorised access to, unauthorised disclosure of, or a loss of personal information, and a reasonable person would conclude that the access, disclosure or loss would not be likely to result in serious harm to any individual to whom the information relates. The NDB scheme is important as it strengthens the protections afforded to everyone’s personal information and improves transparency in the way agencies and organisations respond to serious data breaches. This supports greater community confidence that personal information is being protected and respected, and encourages a higher standard of personal information security across Australian industries. Notification also provides individuals with the opportunity to take steps to minimise the damage that can result from Data Breach.

Be assured, at Belvedere we have stringent processes regarding Information Privacy and our staff are trained in the Australian Privacy Principles. Staff at all times, handle personal information in accordance with legislation, including protecting personal information from misuse, interference, loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We have put plans in place to ensure that no data breaches occur, but also processes to deal with any breaches.

Aged Care Quality Standards:

The current Accreditation Standard is under review and the Department of Health had announced its intention during the 2016 Budget to work with the Aged Care Sector to develop a Single Aged Care Quality Framework. This will include a new set of Quality Standards that will apply to all aged care services; a new process to assess organisations’ performance against the new standards; improvements to the information available to consumers to support them to make choices about their aged care.

The draft quality standards consists of eight standards:

1. Consumer Dignity and Choice

2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers

3. Personal care and clinical care

4. Services and supports daily living

5. Organisation’s service environment

6. Feedback and complaints

7. Human resources

8. Organisation governance

As we obtain further information, we will communicate with you any relevant information and updates. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the NDBS or Accreditation Standards Review.

2018 brings with it many changes and reforms I look forward to working with our staff to implement these effectively and smoothly.

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With Love,

Rachel Noel



T: 041275966

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