Belvedere Aged Care Accreditation 2017

Belvedere Aged Care 2017 Accreditation Announcement – 

The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency has announced Belvedere Aged Care Accreditation 2017 Site Audit. The team will assess the quality of care we provide. Care recipients or their representative may meet with a member of the team about their experience and the care received.

On WEDNESDAY, 5TH JULY 2017, An Assessor from the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency (AACQA) will speak to all Residents and Relatives about Belvedere’s accreditation process. It will be an interesting and informative session and the opportunity to learn more about what happens during an accreditation site audit.

Belvedere Aged Care

Quality and Safety – a focus in Aged Care Accreditation

Recent stories in the News regarding quality and safety in our industry highlight the issues of quality and complaints in our industry. Managed appropriately, they can be an opportunity to learn and continuously improve. Oakden Facility is not a Residential Aged Care Facility, it offers a Specialist Older Persons’ Mental Health Service for people with severe mental illness. Combining State Operations with Federal Government funding appears to have contributed to the failures of the operations of this facility. We are pleased to hear that the Minister for Aged Care has called for an independent review into the Aged Care Regulatory Processes.

Such reported cases are the minority and not representative of the industry’s performance and passion of aged care workers. Australia has an internationally recognised Aged Care System that is highly regulated. Australia is only one of a few OECD countries that requires all Residential Aged Care Facilities to be formally accredited. Given the scope of an Aged Care Facilities’ operations complaints will be inevitable as in all service industry.

Managers, Registered Nurses Direct Care Workers, Team Leaders, Allied Health Providers, GPs and Specialists all for part of the Belvedere team. We pride ourselves on our Staff Structure and the education opportunities provided to our staff to ensure Quality Care.



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