Accreditation Success – A message from Carmel Drobnik, Facility Manager

The much anticipated Accreditation Audit resulted in all 44 Outcomes successfully met. This was a great moment for all staff and residents. It is a great moment for all those who participated to be recognised and to celebrate this achievement. As the Manager, I was proud of all the staff , they were complimented and praised for their skill, knowledge and attitude.   I take this opportunity to thank all the residents and relatives who gave their time to meet with the assessors during the Accreditation Audit.

Involvement of all the staff in all areas was vital – with good communication and education playing a pivotal role. While continuous improvement is ongoing throughout the year, Accreditation provided an opportunity to present key areas of better practice to the Agency. I take this opportunity to also thank our Quality Consultant, Dr. Devi Renasinghe who was a great support throughout the preparation leading to the accreditation. This was a major task which was necessary to ensure that our processes met the Standards.

I thank our proprietors Marc and Marie for their generous acknowledgment at the Staff Luncheon during which, staff and contractors were presented with flowers, gifts and cards.

The Audit report is available online a

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