Session 2: Belvedere & Alzheimer’s Australia Projects

Belvedere Aged Care & Alzheimer’s Australia – Session 2:

Workshop 2 covered the ides for possible projects. We looked at the gaps identified within the focus groups and the vision the staff would like to see in Belvedere .

The vision the leadership team came up with was:

Vision Statement for Belvedere:

“Belvedere has a homelike environment which embeds individuality, choice and purpose for all our residents, staff, and families. Our relationships are built on trust and respect.”

When deciding what the projects would look like, the ideas came from:

  • Physical environment
  • Dining experience
  • To create a more homelike environment inside
  • Have meaningful roles for residents and for them to be engaged with life
  • More family and staff involvement

From this brainstorming of ideas, I have collated the projects into four. Each component will be enhanced and built on, and each group will decide what the end result would like to look like.

It is essential the groups are a mixture of disciplines, and you decide to work with people you may not necessarily work with all the time. As team leaders, you will need to meet outside the workshop times to consolidate the projects. You will also need to empower the other staff who are not directly involved in the actual workshop. For success to happen, we all must work together.

The 4 identified projects to work on will be:

  1. Physical environment
  2. Purposeful roles for the residents
  3. Family involvement
  4. Staff training and orientation

Where to from here:

You will need to decide which project you would like to work on. This will need to be decided on prior to the next workshop and emailed to me the names of the leadership team and the allocation of the projects. Next workshop we will be looking at the tools to working in effective teams, on leadership and how to start the project process.

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