Physiotherapy and Exercise in Aged Care

The “Balance To Live” Physiotherapy and Exercise Program

By Jeromy Tse, Physiotherapist

Balance to Live is a weekly program led by Physiotherapist Jeromy Tse aimed at engaging our residents in exercise and movement. For most elderly people, activity levels tend to decrease in line with their progressing age. Inactivity is associated with many aspects of ageing from loss of muscle function, to reduced heart and lung capacity. Research has now shown that by performing regular physical activity, reduction in risk of disability and chronic disease can also be achieved.

Our physiotherapy program runs for half an hour and is suitable for most residents who are able to comprehend instruction or follow demonstration from the physiotherapist. The physiotherapy exercises range from light to moderate intensity. As we know it is important to push our residents out of their comfort zone beyond their regular sedentary state. As residents have differing energy levels, we encourage each participant to listen to their body and rest or push on accordingly.

In a regular physiotherapy session, residents can expect to work through specific movements for each body part from head to toe. Along with aerobic exercises, muscle stretching and breathing exercises, the benefits of physiotherapy and exercise from a social perspective, it is great for participants to be engaged in a common activity with their fellow residents!

Jeromy Tse

Belvedere Aged Care Physiotherapist Jeromy Tse


Jeromy is a passionate Physiotherapist who understands the importance of quality care for the elderly. A therapist for 10 years and experience in both the private and community sectors, Jeromy has spent the last 5 years dedicated to Belvedere Aged Care. On top of being a Physiotherapist, he is also a proud father of two young children, Trinity and Dominic.


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