Belvedere Staff undertake Accreditated “Dementia Care Essentials” Certificate

Belvedere Staff Undertake Accedited “Dementia Care Essentials” Certificate

We reported earlier of Belvedere Aged Care and Alzheimer’s Australia Education Partnership. To start the process, we decided to provide our staff with the opportunity to obtain the Certificate 3 in Demential Care Essentials. The course was run by Norelle from Alzheimer’s Australia at Belvedere for 3 days over the course of 3 weeks.  The feedback from the staff was positive and impressive. Staff at the beginning of the session were asked to write their objectives for the course. Norelle then asked the staff at the end of the session to reflect on their objectives and we are happy to say that all staff were pleased with their outcome and their progress.

The course is a national, competency based accredited training for staff caring for people with dementia. Strategies are explored to assist with good communication, planning and developing appropriate activities and understanding behaviours in people with dementia.

Topics included:

  • Person Centred-Care;
  • The Nature of Dementia;
  • Effective Communication;
  • Impact of Dementia;
  • Activities of Living an Pleasure;
  • Understanding Behaviours of Concern;
  • Developing Effective Responses to Behaviours of Concern;

Following the 3-day course, we were able to:

  • Develop the profile of a person with Dementia including symptoms and behaviours.
  • Develop a support program identifying effective leadership and teamwork elements.
  • develop strategies for the evaluation of a support program.

This is the beginning of our journey with Alzheimers’ Australia. Belvedere is very proud of the partnership with Alzheimers’ Australia and of the opportunity for our staff to increase their knowledge and skill.

If you would like further information on our partnership with Alzheimers’ Australia, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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