Chef Raj our aged care superhero!

The team at Belvedere have worked tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to care for the most vulnerable members of our community. Our essential workforce is many and we are proud and grateful for the commitment all staff have shown to our residents not only during this global pandemic but always. We at Belvedere pride ourselves on the quality of care our team delivers, always with a welcoming smile and with the health and safety of our residents’ paramount.

Belvedere Aged Care

Now, more than ever, it is a great opportunity for us to shine the spotlight on staff who have provided the highest quality of service that makes Belvedere stand uniquely apart from all the others. With residents and families providing ample positive feedback, we take a moment to celebrate the wonderful work of Chef Raj!

Thank you, Chef Raj for the nutritious and mouthwatering meals you prepare for our residents. During our period of restricted access it was business as usual for many essential workers in aged care, yet, as we took to new and innovative ways to temporarily adapt our entertainment and activities, Chef Raj went above and beyond to provide residents memorable meals for Easter, Mothers Day, weekly food incursions and most recently, the celebration of Italian Republic Day. Your food is restaurant quality, due of course, to your extensive training and experience in this industry. Your meals would pleasantly surprise anyone unfamiliar with aged care dining and we are so proud when talk turns to your food presentation and serving – both for the quality and generous servings! Just like dining at a 5-star restaurant, you perfectly balance nutrition, taste and individual requirements with ease.

Belvedere Aged Care

With over 6 years of service with Belvedere, we have become accustomed, rather, privileged to have a Chef of his calibre on our team. Resident food meetings are a wonderful opportunity for residents and families to provide feedback and Chef Raj works so hard to please every resident and ensure their health needs are met.

Our seasonal menus prepared by Chef Raj and his team demonstrate a shared value and passion to provide fresh, seasonal produce served amongst a daily balanced diet. Assisting the health and wellbeing of residents living with dementia, food allergies and modified diets, Chef Raj offers modified food textures, caloric requirements and cultural cuisines for every taste bud.

It is with great pleasure that we celebrate and acknowledge Chef Raj, for enriching the lives and experiences of our culturally diverse residents by offering comfort through your delivery of authentic, creative foods that they all so rightly deserve.

Belvedere Aged Care

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