An update on Belvedere Aged Care’s COVID Cluster: 10th November
- 10/11/2021
Our reopening remains in the hands of the Public Health Unit (PHU) who, as of the time of writing, have yet to provide us official clearance as to our reopening date.
Our residents have fully recovered – bar 1 resident and, all testing requirements as per the PHU’s instructions have been adhered to with PCR testing since the end of October consistently showing no new cases of COVID at Belvedere.
The PHU are the final decision-makers. Hence, we have been instructed to await their official clearance of our facility before allowing visitors back onsite.
As we await their directives, we do share in your longing to see your loved ones and resume COVID-safe onsite visits. Further information about our reopening protocols will be communicated once we receive communications from the PHU.
Thank you for your patience at this time.