An URGENT Message about the Coronavirus

Novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

New advice  – Updated 2nd March 2020


The Australian Government, informed by advice from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the Australian Border Force, has extended travel restrictions relating to COVID-19.


If you are a residential aged care worker or healthcare worker and you are returning from Italy or South Korea you should not attend your regular work for 14 days.


If you are returning from mainland China or Iran you should self-isolate for 14 days.

The Government considers the following countries to be at higher risk for COVID-19. If you are returning from these countries, you need to monitor your health for the next 14 days:

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has also raised the level of travel advice for:

This advice should be read in conjunction with the What you need to know and Isolation guidance information sheets.

All travel restrictions will be reviewed again before 6 March.

Australians travelling overseas are encouraged to regularly review the Smartraveller website and subscribe for updates.


Precautionary steps for employees/volunteers who may be travelling:


Any employees/volunteers scheduled for leave are to be asked by management if they are intending on going overseas during their leave period.  If advised that overseas travel will occur, management are to query and employees/volunteers are to advise if this travel will include visiting or transiting countries that are listed by the Australian Government Health Department as “Do Not Travel” or “Exercise High Degree of Caution” status.  Be mindful that as this virus continues to be managed, this list may change, so be sure to check this regularly before and during your travel, and this may include cruising.


Infection Control and Emergency Planning at Belvedere Aged Care


Belvedere Aged Care has a stringent infection control program and established protocols in place to manage health emergencies. In line with the Aged Care Quality Standards, we continue to assess the risk of and take steps to prevent, detect and control the spread of infections including COVID-19.

We must protect our elderly residents who are more at risk of infections generally and are particularly vulnerable to serious illness.

As part of our infection control management plan, it is compulsory for all staff to be vaccinated yearly against influenza, participate in training and education and practise regular hand hygiene. In addition, we are equipped with hand sanitiser solution at our reception area and across various visible locations inside the facility and encourage all visitors to use this as part of our infection prevention.


As COVID-19 presents a challenge to all involved, we will continue to provide staff, residents, their families and loved ones with updated information as it becomes available. We encourage you to visit the Department of Health website for resource materials relating to COVID-19 available here.


The 24-hour National Coronavirus Health Information Line is 1800 020 080.


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