An Update on Belvedere Aged Care’s COVID-19 Cluster 31st October

It’s been pleasing to receive PCR results for our residents over the last 48 hours with again no new cases of COVID-19 detected at our facility. 

This is reassuring as we see our active case numbers drop. We are seeing the majority of residents in North Wing reach their 14-day end of quarantine period and with this improvement, 11 residents have now received clearance.

We are still waiting for the Public Health Unit to advise us of clearance for a few remaining residents in this wing. 

We feel heartened that AB Wing residents remain COVID-free. It is hoped that with some of our South Wing residents waiting for clearance on the 9th of November, this is when our full facility clearance may be received.  

As we work towards our clearance, we are planning the safe return of on-site visits for all families. With guidance from the Public Health Unit on how to safely reopen, we will, later this week, communicate these details to all families via email. Until then, all resident NOK/POAs continue to receive daily phone calls about the health and wellbeing of their loved ones along with our regular email updates provided to you. We encourage you to share our updates among your family networks. 

We also take this opportunity to thank all our staff who have worked tirelessly to care for and comfort all our residents throughout this time.

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