Creativity Blooms in our new lifestyle activity

Belvedere’s Lifestyle program continues to grow with the addition of creative and purposeful activities that engage all senses. As part of our arts and crafts program, residents now have the opportunity to participate in our floral arrangement classes and enjoy this creative activity amongst friends and gain the benefits of cognitive exercise and tactile stimulation.

Adding floral arrangements to our arts and craft program enhances participation and choice for our residents who enjoy getting crafty but have different abilities and mobility ranges and provides an alternative to paint and brushes and the use of craft supplies that may present a barrier to participation.

As we work to continuously ensure our lifestyle program and activities meet the diverse needs of all residents, Karin Blavo, Belvedere’s Lifestyle Manager works to ensure ease and greater participation for all residents by designing an inclusive program.

Belvedere’s arts and crafts program showcases the individual talents of our residents with the result being some beautifully arranged florals, artworks and crafts celebrated and enjoyed by all residents and staff.

Belvedere further acknowledges the support from our volunteers who help run our arts and crafts program and thank the many organisations, and families who donate materials and supplies to enhance our program.

Contact us today to find out more about our Lifestyle Program and volunteer with us.

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