- 01/01/2021
Following the recent update from the DHHS and Victorian Government about recent community transmission of COVID-19 in Victoria and NSW, the VARC (Victorian Aged Care Response Centre) has notified all Residential Aged Care Facilities to check our COVID19 Response Plan and maintain a high level of vigilance and preparedness. The VACRC has further requested that all staff undertake a COVID19 Swab as a matter of urgency. All staff have been contacted and will be tested.
As a precautionary measure, as at 11:59pm, Thursday 31st December 2020, Belvedere Aged Care will be requiring a COVID19 swab from all visitors prior to entry for the next 7 days. This is to ensure that all precautions are taken to ensure the safety of all our Residents whilst DHHS are conducting contract tracing and investigations into the current spate of community transmissions.
If you have visited any of the High-Risk Exposure Sites listed on the DHHS website please DO NOT VISIT the facility. Please reconsider any outings with loved ones at this time due to the risks, particularly, as the high-risk locations are located in the South Eastern Suburbs. We ask that you keep visits to Next-of-Kins to minimise risks.
Non-contact visits, Face-Time and Zoom are available for the coming week. Please contact us to arrange a time.
Please note this is a short-term measure to ensure all precautions are taken. As we monitor the evolving situation, residents, staff and resident next-of-kin will be contacted with updated advice regarding our facility protocols.
We thank you for your understanding and support, particularly at such short notice.
Please stay safe and if you are feeling unwell, get tested for COVID-19 and stay home.