Meet Angelo, aged 100 and still riding his bike

Celebrating the UN International Day of Older Persons 1st October 2020

Pandemic: Do they Change how we address ageing?

Sitting on his stationary exercise bike; smiling, healthy and fit, Angelo Tucci is one of the 60 residents that Belvedere Aged Care has worked tirelessly to protect against the Covid-19 virus.  Angelo is 100 years old and possesses the mental and physical fitness of someone much younger. One may not truly believe that he will, next month, celebrate his 101 birthday. An occasion both he and the Belvedere community hope to celebrate with his family and friends once it is safe to do to so.

8 months on since the World Health Organisation announced the Covid-19 pandemic, Angelo feels safe in his residence. Attributing his good health to exercise and his daily social interactions with his fellow Italian residents, Angelo rides his stationary bike daily in the privacy of his room. Under the watchful eye of staff, he mounts and dismounts with ease and with the flexibility of one much younger than his 100 years. Sitting proudly and tall on his bike, he smiles at the camera ready to have his picture taken.

“I lived in Italy and worked as a farmer, and then went to war. After the war, I was in Germany and then came to Australia,” Angelo recalls. “…the war was hard, but in life, I have worked hard… and it has been a good life.”

This year, the UN celebrates its 30th year observing International Day of Older Persons with the theme, Pandemic: Do they Change how we address ageing? This fitting theme is enveloped by the greater observance of 2020 marked as the Year of the Nurse and Midwives. Focusing and highlighting the contributions of our essential nursing workforce, their tireless work in the pandemic year to protect and care for the vulnerable elderly like Angelo across our communities, should be greatly acknowledged.

To date, Belvedere has maintained a Covid-free status. This is largely attributed to the leadership, knowledge and training of staff in infection control and PPE use and utilising a zoning strategy to minimise cross-contamination risks whilst allowing smaller cohorts of residents to freely socialise and wander safely through key communal areas.

Says Carmel Drobnik Belvedere’s Director of Nursing, “A unified workforce limited to a single site; the increase use of technology for family, social connections and activities and the temporary redesign of the facility all play a part in addressing and supporting the various needs of older persons in our care across the pandemic and beyond.”

“We all look forward to the roadmap to recovery and preparing for a Covid-normal work environment and residence is a priority for us.”  “We must, therefore,” Carmel goes on to say, “consider every contingency to minimise risks, and find innovative ways to keep the communication channels open to residents, their loved ones and our staff.”

To find out more about the UN International Day of Older Persons click here


Belvedere Aged Care is a family-owned and operated 60 bed aged care home committed to excellence.

To find out more about this release contact Daniele Noel, Marketing and Communications Manager 0402279908 email 

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