Mandatory Flu Vaccinations for all residential aged care visitors

Persons entering a residential aged care facility across Victoria require a current influenza vaccination.

This applies to :

• staff


• health practitioners

• volunteers, and

• other people entering the facility (e.g. cleaners, tradesman, gardeners and maintenance staff).

Belvedere Aged Care has the right to ask a visitor or worker to prove they are vaccinated and sight appropriate evidence of immunisation status.

Appropriate evidence may be:

• a statement or record from a health practitioner

• an immunisation history statement available from Medicare online

• the Express Plus Medicare mobile app

Evidence should be emailed to us prior to entry by emailing or, bring a copy of your evidence with you.

Any visitors who do not meet the requirements, can not enter the facility.

All Belvedere residents are provided with the yearly influenza vaccine unless refused on medical grounds.

Fines will be imposed on residential aged care providers if this is not strictly followed. The Department of Health have issued a fact sheet on Mandatory Flu Vaccinations in aged care.

In Victoria, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), has comprehensive information about visiting aged care facilities. Please visit the DHHS website for further information or click on their latest advice Influenza vaccination advice for residential aged care staff and visitors (2)

If you require further information about submitting your flu vaccination evidence, please call us on 9574 1355 or email


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