Session 6: Alzheimers’ Australia & Belvedere Project

Workshop 6 looked at engaging residents in meaningful occupation.

The team reflected on their projects so far. The groups doing the purposeful roles feel they have to modify a project, to look at roles within the dining room and meal time. This is an area where all staff will support them so they can see a change. The groups will need to communicate with all staff so they understand some of the implementations which may need to take place.

What is meaningful for one person will be different for another. The leadership team looked at how you can help give each person a purpose at Belvedere. The group completed the 5 things activity, to realise this, and how important it is to recognise, even if you have a similar interest, how you share this interest in engagement can vary from person to person.

We looked at a reflective exercise creating an event which involves everyone. The response was positive in seeing how you can cross section within your roles, and not one person is responsible for a specific role. The areas which were covered were to:

  • Involve the resident
  • Involve the family
  • Connect with community
  • Prepare the environment
  • Sustain a community

Where to from here:

Staff will Continue to document ideas for their project. Communication with all staff and families about what you are doing is imperative. Effective communication about change will help the inclusiveness to be there. This will need to be ongoing. Meeting in your groups weekly is highly recommended at this stage. Workshop 7 will be on Wednesday 5th August

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