Celebrating Diversity in Aged Care

Cultural Diversity in Aged Care

Belvedere Aged Care believes is an inclusive and diverse environment that people of all cultural orientations can freely express who they are; safe from abuse, harassment or unfair criticism. Embracing cultural diversity at work creates a workplace in which people of all backgrounds and cultures feel included, welcome and valued. Inclusion involves respecting individual differences and capturing the advantages they provide.

Belvedere Aged Care provides a staff mix educated and aware of differences. Staff education and training is provided frequently and discussions held regarding cultural diversity including each residents’ traditions and religious practices. Inclusion does not limit itself to language, culture and faith but sexual orientation and disabilities.

LGBTI Education and Training at Belvedere Aged Care

Our commitment to cultural diversity at Belvedere Aged Care

  • Develop policies, strategies and initiatives to support our CALD (Cultural and Linguistically Diverse) residents and staff.
  • Ensure our strategic plans and services are inclusive.
  • Raise awareness of the issues impacting people from a CALD background.
  • Ensure social interaction and programs are relevant and effective for our residents including CALD groups.
  • To encourage and support activities and events.
  • Identify and make recommendations on issues of access and inclusion affecting all residents.
  • Increase awareness and understanding of issues and opportunities affecting CALD communities at Belvedere.
  • Ensure and improve communication, consultation and engagement with residents from CALD backgrounds.
  • Promote and celebrate the benefits of cultural diversity at Belvedere. Build connections between different cultural groups within the Belvedere community.

Celebrating Italian Republic Day at Belvedere Aged Care


J&C Duo at Belvedere Aged Care


For further information about our plans and strategies for our diverse communities contact us at admin@belvedere.com.au

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