Volunteer Opportunities

Belvedere Aged Care is committed to the wellbeing of our residents by ensuring and maintaining their sense of community connections. We offer volunteer opportunities for individuals and community groups to enhance our residents emotional and social welfare.

To facilitate the transition into aged care Belvedere Aged Care recognises the importance of community connection and encourages such relationships to continue. Spiritual and social inclusion forms part of our holistic care approach which aims to insure that our residents are provide positive interactions with the external community, removing social isolation and increasing their sense of self-worth and cultural identity.

We encourage a variety of volunteers to form connections with our residents through various activities and events.

  • Individuals of all ages
  • Groups or individuals from various cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD)
  • Youth volunteers (Primary, Secondary or Tertiary students)
  • Religious groups or individuals
  • Local sports, arts, music groups

There are great benefits to Volunteering.

As a volunteer you’ll gain insight into Aged Care, widen your community connections and see the opportunity to develop your skills and talents.

You’ll be part of the Belvedere Community and be supported by our Lifestyle Manager and Director of Nursing in providing your time and activity.

We currently have Volunteer Opportunities for

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Volunteers (Italian or Greek Speaking)

All volunteers must have an appropriate police check prior to commencement. Volunteers who meet our selection criteria will be subjected to an orientation with our Director of Nursing.

For further information contact our Director of Nursing on 03 9574 1355 or info@belvedere.com.au

Volunteer Rights and Responsibilities


  • To get the job satisfaction – to be assigned a job that is worthwhile and challenging.
  • To have support from your supervisor and co-workers.
  • To share responsibilities with co-workers.
  • Not to be exploited.
  • To accept something back, some help to develop new skills.
  • To be involved in decision making.
  • To receive adequate information & a clear job description.
  • To be reimbursed, if appropriate, out of pocket expenses.
  • To training – initial and ongoing as well as on the job supervision.
  • To protection – insurance and personal safety.
  • To be trusted with confidential information that will help you carry out your work more effectively.
  • To ask for new assignments when you are ready to move on.
  • To be well briefed on the organization you are working for and kept in touch with new developments.
  • To know who you are accountable to and to have clearly defined the channels of communication open to you.
  • To know the reason why, if you have been unsuitable for the task.
  • To know about the disabilities and the effects these disabilities may have.
  • To know what tasks you will be expected to perform and to say “no” to unacceptable tasks.


  • To be dependable and give the agency notice, if for any reason you are unable to report for work.
  • To be willing to take training for the job in order for you to perform more capably.
  • To have loyalty to the agency: respect its place in the community and uphold its policies.
  • To be patient, and allow for independence.
  • To remember that all personal information which you learn on or off the job is strictly confidential.
  • To assist people with tasks that they cannot manage for themselves.
  • To respect the privacy of others.
  • Not to pressure others into accepting your views of standards.
  • To stipulate your limitations.
  • To provide feedback, suggestions and recommendations regarding the program, to the supervisors and the staff.
  • To treat the people that you are working with as you would like to be treated yourself.
  • To not over commit yourself.
  • To use reasonable judgment in making decisions where there appears to be no policy or a policy has not been communicated to you, then as soon as possible check with the supervisor for future guidance.
  • Not to judge peoples’ capabilities by their physical disabilities.

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